This is an updated version of the RIOXX applicaiton profile, enhanced following the outcomes of the V4OA project.
Note that we may introduce a controlled voicabulary of output types into this version, if RCUK can supply an authoritative list. This would then constrain the values of the dc:rights element
This section details the application profile for RIOXX. The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
Element | Cardinality | Description |
dc:coverage | Zero or more |
This refers to the scope or extent of the content of the resource. It may include jurisdictional, temporal or spatial information. It is RECOMMENDED that, where possible, a recognised globally unique identifier is used, such as the Thesaurus of Geographic Names. For example, the place of publication may be recorded. |
dc:description | Zero or more |
This field may be indexed and its contents presented to people conducting searches. The goal is to describe the content of the resource using free text. It is RECOMMENDED that an English language abstract be used where available. HTML or other markup tags SHOULD NOT be included in this field. |
dc:format | Zero or more |
This refers to the form of the resource being described in the RIOXX record. The resource can be physical or digital and therefore this element can refer to the media-type or dimensions of that resource. Where the resource being described is digital, the MIME type of the object pointed to by this RIOXX record’s dc:identifier element MUST be entered here. |
dc:identifier | Exactly one |
This field MUST contain a globally unique and persistent identifier for the resource being described. The identifier SHOULD be an HTTP URI that can be de-referenced (and is, thus, actionable). The purpose of this field is to allow access to the resource, therefore it is RECOMMENDED that this identifier should point to the actual resource being described by the RIOXX record (typically a PDF file), rather than to an intermediary resource such as a repository web page. This resource SHOULD be a version of the resource held in the local repository. |
dc:language | One or more |
This refers to the primary language in which the content of the resource is presented. The element MAY be repeated if the resource contains multiple languages. Values used for this element MUST conform to ISO 639–3. This offers two and three letter tags e.g. “en" or “eng" for English and “en-GB" for English used in the UK. |
dc:publisher | Zero or more |
A free text string giving the name of the entity responsible for making the version of record of a resource available. This could be a person, organisation or service. |
dc:relation | Zero or more |
This format of this element SHOULD be an HTTP URI which points to a related resource. It is RECOMMENDED that, where available, the publisher’s DOI for the main resource being described in the RIOXX record also be entered here, in it’s HTTP form – e.g. Each related resource MUST appear as a separate instance of the field. |
dc:source | Exactly one |
The source label describes a resource from which the current resource is derived (in whole or in part). It is RECOMMENDED that the source is referenced using a unique identifier from a recognised system e.g. the unique 8-digit International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN) assigned to print and electronic periodicals. |
dc:subject | Zero or more |
Normally keywords, phrases or classification codes are used to describe the topic of the resource. If using free text, the use of general keywords SHOULD be avoided. It is RECOMMENDED to use a formal classification scheme or controlled vocabulary e.g Library of Congress Classification Headings or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). When including terms from multiple vocabularies, separate element iterations MUST be used. If multiple vocabulary terms or keywords are used, terms SHOULD be separated with one of the following approaches:
dc:title | Exactly one |
This refers to the resource’s title and any sub-titles. The title is the form of words by which a resource will be formally known and should be represented using the original spelling and wording. The RECOMMENDED format for expressing subtitles is Title:Subtitle |
dc:type | Zero or more |
Type refers to the nature or genre of the content of the resource and can be entered as free text. Take care not to confuse this with dc:format. |
dcterms:audience | Zero or more |
This field is designed to contain information about the group for which the resource is intended or is considered to be useful. There is no controlled vocabulary for this but sometimes creators or publishers indicate the intended audience. Note that the Research Outcomes System (ROS) used by most of the UK’s Research Councils tracks whether a resource is for a "non-academic audience" (with a drop-down list of possible selections) and whether a resource is for an "international audience". In the absence of alternative formal vocabularies, following the ROS lead is a reasonable course of action. |
dcterms:issued | Exactly one |
The publication date of the resource. The date SHOULD be encoded using ISO 8601 (post–2004 versions) which follows the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. Year (YYYY) or year and month (YYYY-MM) MAY be used if the full date is not known. |
dcterms:references | Zero or more |
The format of this element SHOULD be an HTTP URI which points to a resource referenced by the resource described in the RIOXX record. Common examples might include a data-set which underpins a paper being described in the record. Each reference MUST appear as a separate instance of this element. |
free_to_read | Zero or one |
This is defined in the NISO Open Access Metadata and Indicators. This element MUST NOT take a value. The semantics of <free_to_read> are conveyed by its presence or absence. The presence of this element means that the work being described is freely and openly available to be read. This element may be modified by two optional attributes
Each of these attributes, if present, takes a date value which MUST be encoded using ISO 8601 (post–2004 versions) which follows the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. Examples:
The absence of a start_date attribute implies that the free_to_read status is current and immediate, unless an end_date attribute, which is a date in the subjective past, is present in the element. |
license_ref | One or one |
This is defined in the NISO Open Access Metadata and Indicators. This element MUST take an HTTP URI for its value. This HTTP URI MUST point to a resource which expresses the license terms specifying how the resource being described in the RIOXX record may be used. This element MAY include an optional attribute:
This attribute, if present, takes a date value which MUST be encoded using ISO 8601 (post–2004 versions) which follows the following format: YYYY-MM-DD. This atribute is used to indicate the date upon which this license takes effect. Multiple <license_ref> elements may be included. Where several such elements are included, the one with the start_date attribute indicating the most recent date takes precendence. A <license_ref> element with a start_date element takes precedence over a <license_ref> element without a start_date. A single RIOXX record MUST NOT have more than one <license_ref> element without a start_date Examples:
This approach allows the expression of 'embargoes', where a particular license takes effect at a future date. |
rioxxterms:apc | Zero or one |
This element expresses whether or not the resource being described has an associated 'article processing charge'. The value of this element MUST be one of the following:
rioxxterms:contributor | Zero or more |
This field is designed to describe an entity – for example the name of a person, organisation or service – responsible for making contributions to the content of the resource. As many rioxxterms:contributor elements may be entered as required. If the contributor is a person and it is desired to record that person's affiliation, the affiliation MUST be recorded as a separate rioxxterms:contributor element. This element SHOULD take an optional attribute called id, designed to hold a machine-readable and unique identifier, if available, for the contributor. Any ID entered here MUST be in a form which allows it to be parsed and recognised automatically. The ideal use of this element is to include both a machine-readable ID in the id attribute, and a text string in the body of the element, thus:
Where the contributor is a person, the RECOMMENDED format is to add text in the form Last Name, First Name(s), and to include an ORCID ID, if known, in its HTTP URI form, e.g.
rioxxterms:creator | One or more |
The creator of a resource may be a person, organisation or service. Where there is more than one creator, a separate rioxxterms:creator element MUST be used for each one. As many creators may be entered as required. If the creator is a person and it is desired to record that person’s affiliation, the affiliation SHOULD be recorded as a rioxxterms:creator element (see rioxxterms:creator). This element SHOULD take an optional attribute called id, designed to hold a machine-readable and unique identifier, if available, for the creator. Any ID entered here MUST be in a form which allows it to be parsed and recognised automatically. The ideal use of this element is to include both a machine-readable ID in the id attribute, and a text string in the body of the element, thus:
Where the creator is a person, the RECOMMENDED format is to add text in the form Last Name, First Name(s), and to include an ORCID ID, if known, in its HTTP URI form, e.g.
rioxxterms:funder | One or more |
The canonical name of the entity responsible for funding the resource being described by this RIOXX record MUST be recorded here as text. Where more than one funder exists, each MUST be entered as a separate instance of this field. A controlled list of funder names SHOULD be used. The list of funder names provided by the FundRef service is RECOMMENDED |
rioxxterms:projectid | One or more |
This is designed to collect the project IDs issued by funders that relate to the current resource. It is REQUIRED to use the alphanumeric identifier provided by the funder in its original format e.g. ST/K001234/1. Sometimes publications have more than one project ID associated with them; these MUST be recorded using separate instances of rioxxterms.projectid. In cases where projects have been funded internally, use whichever internal code is appropriate. |
rioxxterms:version | Exactly one |
This element indicates which 'version' of the resource is being described. The value of this element MUST be one of the following:
These terms are adopted from the Journal Article Versions (JAV): Recommendations of the NISO/ALPSP JAV Technical Working Group and have the following meanings: