Governance Group minutes 2023-10-02

Monday 02 October 2023

Attendees: Nicola Dowson (ND), Michael Eadie (ME), Beverley Jones (BJ), Petr Knoth (PK), George Macgregor (GM - chair), Agustina Martínez-García (AMG), Paul Walk (PW)


New member of the RGG, AMG, was welcomed and introductions performed. GM noted that it will be helpful for the RGG to have fresh perspectives on the evolution of Rioxx.

Adjustments to v 3.0, Draft 2

GM reported on the background to recent adjustments to Draft 2, arising from liaison with Herbert Van de Sompel (HVS). GM confirmed that the principal purpose of the meeting was to approve (or not) these adjustments.

HVS provided useful feedback by email on Draft 2 to PK, PW and GM, and made proposals for how aspects of Rioxx could be potentially improved. A more detailed, physical meeting later took place between PK and HVS, at which these proposals were explored fully. Substantive proposals emerging from all of this activity include:

  1. Re-introduction of dc:type
  2. Re-introduction of dc:relation over rioxxterms:file
  3. Creation of rioxxterms:ext_relation over rioxxterms:relation
  4. Adjustments to content of dc:identifier, i.e. not a PID

GM noted that he and PK had met to discuss the proposals further. PK drafted an example of a Rioxx record with the proposals implemented.

PK explained the rationale for adopting typed links and that anything in dc:relation and rioxxterms:ext_relation should become a typed link. He noted that in the example the use of cite-as in this Rioxx context denoted that the target URI was the resource (i.e. that the DOI was the resource), making the use of cite-as appropriate. After discussion, and referral to technical specifications of Signposting and RFC8288, consensus emerged that this approach made sense but that guidance on the Signposting website perhaps required modification. It was also noted that, if adopted in Rioxx v 3.0, schema documentation would need to be very clear to avoid its misapplication by repositories.

The GB agreed that the introduction of rioxxterms:ext_relation was something that required further consideration, to fully understand its consequences. After discussion it was agreed that better delineating the concept of 'external relations' -- and testing of the notion of custodianship -- was required before implementing the schema change.

  • Action: PW to create shared Google Doc in which PK can articulate the rioxxterms:ext_relation use case, e.g. how does it serve the requirements of aggregators and how does it serve repositories? RGG members to engage with Doc to arrive at shared understanding of the problem and implementing an appropriate solution.
  • Action: PK to update example Rioxx record accordingly and share with RGG, thereby enabling PW to update schema documentation on the GitHub development branch.


No substantive business was raised.


To be confirmed.

GM 03/10/2023